I hope I didn't bore you all to tears. lol. I like reading stuff like this on other blogs, so I figured what the heck. :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
So, here I am yesterday, sitting in my computer/craft room waiting on my videos to load on YouTube. As I looked around the room, while just sitting in my chair doing nothing, I decided to do some organizing. I began cleaning out the closet. It is amazing to me just how much stuff can accumulate in a closet. None the less, I filled my room with an abundance of 'stuff'. I couldn't believe just how many unused scrap books I had. I used to be really into scrap booking, but for some reason, I stopped doing it. Now I realize that I really need to get back into it, because I have a ton of money tied up in all of my supplies. So, this weekend I plan to get my picture mate printer up and running again. Then I will be able to print the picture I need to get busy scrap booking. I am actually looking forward to the idea of getting back into this old hobby of mine. It is just so time consuming, so I guess that is one of the reasons I let it go by the way side. I do enjoy it though. So it looks like this may be one of the things I spend my weekend on.

The 3 albums above were purchased 'just because'. I had no specific intent for them. I just liked them, so I bought them, forever ago. ;)
I bought the daisy hill plaid one to do for Hunter. I have done some for the girls, but only one for Hunter. At the time that I bought this one, I was having a hard time finding one that was boyish looking enough but didn't cost too much. The clear box this one is in is full of all of the papers and stickers and such that I purchased separately to match. You can't see most of them though, because they are on the backside of the album.
These books are really neat. There is a slot on the front of the book for pictures of each grade K-12. Then on the inside, there are 4 pages (2 front and back) for each grade. Each page is a pocket page where you can put papers and such inside. Then it has a place for class photos and fill in the blanks for all of their favorites at that specific time in their lives. The only problem lies in the fact that I may or may not remember the specifics for that long ago. I can only hope that in all of the papers that I have kept from the kids classes over the years there will be clues for this. :) I am anxious to get these up to date. Each page also has a place for them to write their names. This may be a bit of a challenge since I can't go back in time and have Kristen, for example, write her name as she did in Kindergarten. I do think that I have papers from each grade for each child where they have written their name though. Then I guess I can just scan it into the computer, print it out, cut it out, and glue it on the line. Gee, I wonder why I haven't gotten busy on these yet. lol. It is going to take me forever to go through all of their stuff to get them up to date. I guess now is as good a time to start as any, huh? :)
This princess album was purchased for Karen. It was/is my intent to fill it with all of her Disney experiences. She has been to Disney World once and on a Disney cruise once. While at Disney World, she had breakfast in Cinderella's castle and met all of the princesses and had pictures taken, as well as other characters there and throughout the day. Then, on the cruise, she met all of the characters and had her picture taken with all of them. So, it will suffice to say that I have plenty of pictures to fill this album from just those 2 trips. I think she will love this now and when she grows up.
This is just a picture frame for a scrapbook page. I plan on using it for pictures from her first cruise on the Disney Magic. I have no idea where I am going to put it in her room, because it is wall to wall stuff in there. But, I will do it anyway. ;)
I got this book for Hunter. Basically everything I said about Karen's princess album will apply here for Hunter. I have a drawer full of all of the Disney papers and stickers and such for all of the Disney albums. Again, the amount of money I have tied up in these things... I really just have to do them for that reason alone if no other. :)
This is another frame like the princess one. It is for Hunter as well. I have a ton of Disney pictures that are framed as well as Disney things (not just pictures) that I need to frame without even doing these two. I really need to just create a Disney themed room, but then where would I put all of my other stuff. I just have sooo much stuff!!! And it's ALL important to me. What to do, what to do!!
This scrap book is for our family vacation on our first Disney cruise. We took it in September of '06. I really need to get with it on this one too. lol. Again, I have the paper laid out here, but I also bought tons of stickers and die cuts as well. I am so pathetic. :)
These are my albums and 2 frames all laid out. I didn't include the 3 school years books though. I didn't think about them until after the fact. I have enough here to keep me busy for a long time.
Here they are all stacked up on the hutch of my scrap booking desk. Yes, I even bought a desk specifically for scrap booking.
And here is the whole desk. I have some of my sizzix die cuts in the tower to the left and several others in a drawer. The press for the sizzix is in my closet. That little thing is surprisingly heavy. On the top 2 shelves: the large thing on the left is full of paper for my albums, under that is Karen's scrapbook that I have actually completed, the blue box directly beside that is full of about 1500 photos, and sitting on top of that box is my label maker. The shelf on the right has 3 photo boxes also full of about 1500 photos each and sitting on top of those boxes are some more albums that are finished. We've already covered the bottom left shelf in the previous picture to this one. The bottom right shelf is full of still more albums that are mostly completed, and some of which are just your traditional photo albums, a case full of die cuts, an acrylic box with some of my scissors and cutting tools, and then a few framed pictures. And, the things I have posted on here today are just some of my supplies. It's crazy what I've spent on this hobby that I no longer do. Therefore, I really need to get on it!!!
I hope I didn't bore you all to tears. lol. I like reading stuff like this on other blogs, so I figured what the heck. :)
I hope I didn't bore you all to tears. lol. I like reading stuff like this on other blogs, so I figured what the heck. :)
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lol. Sounds like me, we bought a ton of scrapbooking stuff a few years ago, made one page and I don't even know where it or the stuff is now... :)
You are probably aware of my scrapbooking obsession. :) I even have an album of some of my pages on Facebook. I never worry about catching up though - I just scrap what inspires me. I think it'd be too stressful if I tried going back and catching up on everything. I have an empty Marine Corps album (still in the plastic), and Andy got out of the Corps in 1997. Yeesh. I will go back and do that one of these days, but ya know - whatever. lol. I'm sure by the time I get to it, I'll have absolutely no memories to journal about, and it'll just be a photo album. ha!
And yes - I like seeing these kinds of posts. I still think I might do a video tour of the house... one day. :)
Yeah, I have been taking pictures of the house to post on here too. I have thought about doing a video tour, but I don't know if I'd want to do that or pictures. I finally got my computer/craft room cleaned up yesterday in order to take pics of it. I like seeing peoples homes and such. I like to see the way people decorate. I guess I'm just a nosey and curious person. Oh well, that's just me. ;)
I don't know how well I'll do on the getting caught up bit with the scrap books, but I will try. Hopefully my memory won't fail me too badly. :)
I have scrapbook stuff too, I need to get back to doing it. Nick's stop when he was about 4 and Binks just has a few pages. I also started one for all those big (8.5 x 11)school pictures from the girls. Too many to hang up so I was putting them in an album.
I also like to see how people decorate or organize. I get some good ideas about how to do our place.
I love seeing how other people decorate!!! :) I frequent several design blogs of strangers too. lol
Yep, I have scrapbook stuff... just haven't managed to take it OUT of the wrapper. Need to work on that now that I have a scrap-- TABLE all ready to go! FUN!! And not to mention... a scrap ROOM... just for this purpose.
I love how you are so organized! Everything has a place... very nice!! Looks great! I was at Joanns yesterday and they had some 50% off, I was tempted to get some, but remembered I still have UNOPENED ones at home. :D YEAH ME... for not spending money on it! :D
All of the ones in the pictures are unopened as well. I guess I should have stopped buying before I actually did. :0 Oh, well. Now I just have a lot to do. lol.
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