I've decided to go ahead and put a bunch more pictures up. Again, the captions for each picture will be under the picture itself. Now, some of these pictures are lacking greatly in quality to say the least, but they were unfixable with any program I have. So, there ya go. ;)
Petra, I put these few up for you. :) Although quite the grainy pic here, it is Tami and Titus at Marci's wedding to James, June 6, 1987.
Just as poor a quality as the one of Tami and Titus, but this is Tabi and Matt. Same wedding of course. :) I am sooo glad my current camera takes better pictures than this.
Again withthe cutting of the pictures. I guess I thought it was necessary, huh? This is Terra and Timberly at Marci's wedding to James as well.
Not sure what this expression of Tabi is. lol. I'm sure she'll love this one.
Aunt Cherry here. I think I liked taking pictures of her back then for some reason. I always liked going over to her house to play. She was so laid back. But I always knew it when she meant business. Her voice went up several octaves. lol. Summer, 1986.
Uncle Neil and Derek. Just gotta love those tanks. :) And Derek, love the glasses. lol. I can't say much, I had a pair just like 'em, only mine were purple. hehe. Summer, 1986.
Whether she's washing dishes or posing with her family for me or driving a car, ain't she a beauty? :) See, I did like taking pictures of her. lol. Summer, 1986.
This is Heather when Grandma Woods took us strawberry picking. I guess she's just enjoying some of the harvest. :) Summer, 1986.
Kendra holding the strawberries we picked. I still remember doing this. I don't think I've been strawberry picking since then. I keep saying I'm gonna take the kids, but I'm sure my kids would be like, "Uh, mom, can't we just buy some from the store?" I think I'll try to remember to take them this year though, since there is a place not too far from here. But doesn't she look proud of her strawberries? :) Summer, 1986.
You can't really tell, but that is Kendra. I remember jumping on the drive through line at the Moby Dick to make it ding and the cashier asking to take our order. We thought that was so funny. :) Summer, 1986, and I guess I should be saying where. All of the above photos so far are taken in Louisville, KY.
Petra sent me these when we used to write each other all the time. I don't know where these were taken, but I'm sure Petra does. So, let me know. This is Tori Goodling in March, 1988. I don't know that I've ever actually met Tori though.
Petra also sent me this one of Tori, which was also taken in March, 1988.
Titus holding Tori, March, 1988.
Andrea Goodling after bath time apparently. February, 1988.
I really don't know how I ended up with this picture of Uncle Neil. I'm sure I asked for it. :) Not a bad picture though, don't ya think?
This is Matt's senior pic. Alright Matt, ya gotta love this one. :) I don't know about you, but when I look back at my senior portrait, I can't help but thank God those days are over. lol.
Aunt Cherry and Cory in the background and in the front are Daniel and Timberly. This is at Sherry and Lyle's (is that how you spell his name?) wedding in Illinois. Summer,1985
Kendra doin' her thing. :) Good times, good times. I'm guess this was also the summer of 1986 although I cut the writing off the back of the picture. What was with me and all the cutting anyway? Must be a kid thing because one of the pictures above that Petra sent me were cut as well. Who knows?
Tom Sawyer and me in Illinois. This was taken at our family reunion in Chatsworth, Illinois in 1985. I really need to go see him since I haven't seen him since my wedding in 1994. He was just my most favorite person in the whole wide world when I was a kid.
Now this is how I remember Mike McMurry looking. Oh so young here. I saw him at our family reunion in July, 2007. He looked all grown up then. :)
Heather Holser in Kindergarten, October, 1982. Awe, isn't she cute. :)
Melissa Poole and Kendra at Beth Haven Baptist Church. Summer, 1986.
Hope those of you who actually know these people enjoyed this trip down memory lane. I know I have. And I suppose I could've put these in better order, but oh well.
Yeah, wow! Still not sure what I was thinking with that hair style, but that photo is actually a GOOD one compared to some that are floating around... :)
I think those pics of Tori are at Joel's apt, I could be wrong though...
Oh, but the hair was great. lol. The only thing I miss about the 80's though is the music and the big hair. I love big hair. ;)
I'll keep diggin' through the photos, but may take a few days off from that and post something different. I'm working on pictures of my home to do a home tour. I figure since noone really ever comes here, I can invite them in this way. :) Of course, I have to get each room clean enough for photos. lol. So that may take a few days. I need to go check the kids rooms now as a matter of fact. I like looking through people's homes and seeing how they have things set up and how they decorate, so I figured I'd share mine. That's my next idea anyway.
Oh man! Good times!! *Okay, that photo of Andrea? See those HORRID shoes in the background? That was me. Wow - why didn't my parents buy me some new shoes?!?!! How embarrassing. lol. *Photos of Tori are at Joel & Barbara's apt in Bristol TN/VA. *I always liked Aunt Cherry too - I wanted to live with them instead of at my house. ha! *Ah, the Moby Dick... me and Kendra used to use their drive-thru on our bikes. One time we had enough pennies for two hushpuppies and were laughing the whole time we ordered (with our large water). They gave us an extra hushpuppy because they felt sorry for us ordering water and 2 hushpuppies with like 24 pennies. ha!! *The old station wagon - niiiice!
I have been meaning to dig through my old photos at some point... one day, one day. :)
You had me laughing pretty hard at the Moby Dick comment. lol!! I guess we never had enough pennies when we were together to order anything. :)
And I so know what you mean about the shoe thing. I guess our parents were just that poor. I remember one time cutting holes in my shoes so they would buy me a new pair because I think we might have only gotten one pair a year. And in the summer of '86 Grandma took me to Chicago to see Tom. I kept complaining about my feet hurting. She took me to get new shoes and the ones I had been wearing were 2 1/2 sizes too small. That's a lot of too smallness. lol. I can't imagine wearing shoes 2 1/2 sizes too small now. I'd go steal me some shoes if I had too. lol.
ha!!! I also noticed I'm wearing knee socks - and it was February, so I guess that was to keep me warm with my culottes. Yikes!!! You know, when I see families like that now, I feel so sorry for the kids - haha!! But I was ONE of them!!!!
2 1/2 sizes??? Man!!! When our cabin burned down, my parents had just found some kind of sale or something, and for some reason I had been allowed to get THREE pairs of shoes - I didn't have any of the new shoes on that day cause it was "twin day" at school and I wore my only old ones to match someone else. I think losing all those new shoes was about the worst part of the house burning for me (at the time!!! Now... it's the photos!!!). How sad is that??? lol!
Tell me about it. And Billy thinks I go over board with the shoes and clothes thing with my kids. If he only had a clue. And culottes should be against the law, seriously. And I'm with ya Petra, I feel so sorry for those kind of kids too. It's just rediculous. I feel very, very strongly about girls/women having to wear the cullottes/dresses all the time. Those kinds of people, well... I just don't feel like typing that much, but I just REALLY take issue with it!!!
Okay, I am really not happy right now!! WHY does Petra and Tonya have all these old pictures and I have none?? You little thieves stole them from all the adults in the family, cause I know you didn't have your own camera and enough $$ to buy film/develop....geez, we could barely afford 2 hushpuppies and water!!! What is so funny is how I ended up working there once I was 16!! We thought we were so cool. Well, we were, but you know.... LOVE THE PHOTOS Tonya :-)
Alright you two. :) I actually did have a camera, and I was the one to take most of the pictures posted, with the exception of two professional ones. I don't know how I got them developed though. I'd be surprised if my parents did it for me, so they were probably done a few years later when I got a job. The ones of me and my siblings as small children in the post below, however, were stollen. lol. So I guess I am a little bit of a thief. lol.
I did manage to steal a few photos myself... lol! BUT... MOST of my old photos I took myself. And, like Tonya, I just got the film developed later when I had a couple of dollars (that was like one of the main things I would spend my money on... the actual film?? I probably stole that! I was SUCH an angelic child. lol).
LOL! I know what you mean. We had quite the kleptos in our house too. I stole little things at times, like gum, but Troy was our big theif. :) I think I got my camera for my birthday one year. It had to be under $20 though, cuz my parents didn't spend more than that on us ever.
I enjoy them, keep posting them!
Yeah, wow! Still not sure what I was thinking with that hair style, but that photo is actually a GOOD one compared to some that are floating around... :)
I think those pics of Tori are at Joel's apt, I could be wrong though...
Oh, but the hair was great. lol. The only thing I miss about the 80's though is the music and the big hair. I love big hair. ;)
I'll keep diggin' through the photos, but may take a few days off from that and post something different. I'm working on pictures of my home to do a home tour. I figure since noone really ever comes here, I can invite them in this way. :) Of course, I have to get each room clean enough for photos. lol. So that may take a few days. I need to go check the kids rooms now as a matter of fact. I like looking through people's homes and seeing how they have things set up and how they decorate, so I figured I'd share mine. That's my next idea anyway.
Oh man! Good times!!
*Okay, that photo of Andrea? See those HORRID shoes in the background? That was me. Wow - why didn't my parents buy me some new shoes?!?!! How embarrassing. lol.
*Photos of Tori are at Joel & Barbara's apt in Bristol TN/VA.
*I always liked Aunt Cherry too - I wanted to live with them instead of at my house. ha!
*Ah, the Moby Dick... me and Kendra used to use their drive-thru on our bikes. One time we had enough pennies for two hushpuppies and were laughing the whole time we ordered (with our large water). They gave us an extra hushpuppy because they felt sorry for us ordering water and 2 hushpuppies with like 24 pennies. ha!!
*The old station wagon - niiiice!
I have been meaning to dig through my old photos at some point... one day, one day. :)
You had me laughing pretty hard at the Moby Dick comment. lol!! I guess we never had enough pennies when we were together to order anything. :)
And I so know what you mean about the shoe thing. I guess our parents were just that poor. I remember one time cutting holes in my shoes so they would buy me a new pair because I think we might have only gotten one pair a year. And in the summer of '86 Grandma took me to Chicago to see Tom. I kept complaining about my feet hurting. She took me to get new shoes and the ones I had been wearing were 2 1/2 sizes too small. That's a lot of too smallness. lol. I can't imagine wearing shoes 2 1/2 sizes too small now. I'd go steal me some shoes if I had too. lol.
ha!!! I also noticed I'm wearing knee socks - and it was February, so I guess that was to keep me warm with my culottes. Yikes!!! You know, when I see families like that now, I feel so sorry for the kids - haha!! But I was ONE of them!!!!
2 1/2 sizes??? Man!!! When our cabin burned down, my parents had just found some kind of sale or something, and for some reason I had been allowed to get THREE pairs of shoes - I didn't have any of the new shoes on that day cause it was "twin day" at school and I wore my only old ones to match someone else. I think losing all those new shoes was about the worst part of the house burning for me (at the time!!! Now... it's the photos!!!). How sad is that??? lol!
lol. Yeah, don't get me started on shoes and clothes... :)
Tell me about it. And Billy thinks I go over board with the shoes and clothes thing with my kids. If he only had a clue. And culottes should be against the law, seriously. And I'm with ya Petra, I feel so sorry for those kind of kids too. It's just rediculous. I feel very, very strongly about girls/women having to wear the cullottes/dresses all the time. Those kinds of people, well... I just don't feel like typing that much, but I just REALLY take issue with it!!!
Okay, I am really not happy right now!! WHY does Petra and Tonya have all these old pictures and I have none?? You little thieves stole them from all the adults in the family, cause I know you didn't have your own camera and enough $$ to buy film/develop....geez, we could barely afford 2 hushpuppies and water!!! What is so funny is how I ended up working there once I was 16!! We thought we were so cool. Well, we were, but you know....
lol. I'm with you Kendra!!! I often think the same thing, "Wait, where did you get all these pictures and I don't have any?!?!?!" :)
Alright you two. :) I actually did have a camera, and I was the one to take most of the pictures posted, with the exception of two professional ones. I don't know how I got them developed though. I'd be surprised if my parents did it for me, so they were probably done a few years later when I got a job. The ones of me and my siblings as small children in the post below, however, were stollen. lol. So I guess I am a little bit of a thief. lol.
I did manage to steal a few photos myself... lol! BUT... MOST of my old photos I took myself. And, like Tonya, I just got the film developed later when I had a couple of dollars (that was like one of the main things I would spend my money on... the actual film?? I probably stole that! I was SUCH an angelic child. lol).
Oh, and Matt probably stole my camera and gave it to me as a gift. lol!
LOL! I know what you mean. We had quite the kleptos in our house too. I stole little things at times, like gum, but Troy was our big theif. :) I think I got my camera for my birthday one year. It had to be under $20 though, cuz my parents didn't spend more than that on us ever.
lol! I'll plead the fifth... :)
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