Now, I really need to dig a little through my photos to see what else I can find. I just had a few in an old photo album on my shelf, so these were super easy to locate. The others will take a little time to sift through since they are not in an album. I may work on that later this evening. Billy brought home a huge 3 drawer file cabinet for me, since the kids destroyed my smaller 2 drawer one. I have to reorganize all of my crap, so I may put my photos in there instead of in a bin on a shelf. So, while I'm doing that, I'll be able to go through the photos as well. Thank you honey. :)
It is a goal of mine to scan all of my older photos into my computer and put them on disc, then put the discs in a fire proof box. I've been wanting to do that for a few years now but have been putting it off. I guess I need to get started, but I know what a time consuming undertaking that is going to be. However, I also know how important ALL of my pictures are to me. And God forbid there ever be a fire, I would be more devastated about losing my pictures than I would anything else material. My computer crashed last year and there were a few months worth of pictures on it that I had not backed up on our external hard drive or put on disc, I do both, and I was crying and very upset. Thank God, and I mean that, that they weren't lost. Now, I make sure to do those things as soon as I put my pictures on the computer from my camera. So, I realized then just how important they are to me. Nothing else can really take you back in time like a picture can. Well, I know a song can, but hey, I may be really old one day and losing my memory. I'd like to be able to look back over my life even if I don't remember all that much. Pictures just capture who you are in that particular moment in time. It's like a time capsule in and of itself, ya know? So, they really, really are very important to me.
Hopefully tonight I'll have some good ones up here. I have no idea if I even have any good ones, but I'm crossing my fingers. :)
LOL! I love seeing old pictures like that!
External hard drives can fail too you know... :)
Oh man! Classic!! I actually have a copy of that photo of me and Grandma - you must have given me the double, huh? I so need to go through my photos too. That has been on my to-do list for a long time. I lost a few months worth of photos two summers ago, and it still kills me - it was our trip to the Grand Canyon and our move... ugh... sickens me just thinking of it. :( Thankfully, I had put some on my blog during the trip, but they were cropped so small that I can't even print them at 4x6 without them being incredibly pixelated. I do the external hard drive thing now, and it's on my to-do list to also make discs, but do I do it? Nope... :-P
Yeah Matt, I know anything electronic can certainly fail me, which is why I do the cds also. So far we've had good luck from the external hard drive though. But I still must have them on disc as well.
I probably did give you a copy of that pic. Back then it was all about getting doubles, right? I am gonna work on going through some old pics tonight. I am looking forward to it. I even have some from Marci's wedding to James with Matt walking Tabi back down the isle and of Tami and Titus. They are sooo grainy though. I was going to put them on here, but they are so dark and just don't look good at all.
And Petra, I would always be beside myself at losing pictures like that. I mean, the Grand Canyon of all places. Dang! I am sorry about that. Really!
Hey, I guess that gives us a reason, to go back, huh? lol! I figured I'd try to at least print out the smaller photos and do something with them, maybe make a mini scrapbook album with them or something. I just haven't gotten around to it yet... my long list of things to do with my photos and scrapbooks and albums! ha!!
Can you lighten those photos up in photoshop? Or are they too grainy and dark?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Uncle Neil's sexy tank top!!! Gotta love that!!! lol!!!!! :)
Yeah, gotta love the tank top. I'm just glad he had pants on. lol.
I'll try to lighten them. I may just put them up anyway. You'll get the idea anyway. :)
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