Mine and Billy's 15th anniversary is in March, so this trip would pretty much be for that. However, if we don't go to Japan at that time, we will go somewhere. Probably Vegas again. I love it out there, which is funny for someone who does absolutely no gambling to say. I guess I just like all the pretty lights. lol. I don't really know what it is about the place, but I do like it. It is called sin city for a reason though, so ya gotta watch it. :) However, we do behave ourselves. No worries there. I am far from a wild child and Billy is even farther from it than I.
Ok, I'll shut up about the possibility of Vegas for now and get to the pics from Japan.
This is the kids when we went on a hike, of sorts, to the big buddha. We weren't planning on going to see the buddha, but since we got off the train in the wrong place and couldn't figure out how to get to where we wanted to go, we just went to see the buddha instead. It was kinda cool. In a people actually worship such a thing and what a shame kind of way.
This, obviously, is the five of us in front of the buddha. We went up inside of it too. It was quite large. I guess that's why they call it "big".
These are said to be the buddha's sandals. They too were quite large. (Sorry the picture is so blurry. My camera doesn't know how to behave for me. lol.)
And of course, this is a picture of the kids with their Uncle Troy. This was taken at a garden area behind the buddha.
This is a restaurant Troy and Brynn took us to where you cook your own meat and eat it with sticky rice. It was delicious and a lot of fun. The kids really enjoyed it. They are holding their chop sticks. Karen was the only one who ended up having to use a fork. But she did try the chop sticks. She would have left hungry if we hadn't gotten her a fork though.
Here we are in the world's largest Chinatown outside of China. It was great here. I definitely want to go back here whenever we do go back. We had a lot of neat foods to eat, and the shopping was great. Wish I could have done more shopping. :)
Still in Chinatown here. It was very crowded, but so much fun. It was pretty cold though.
It's good that you take your kids to see other cultures, so many people never leave the town they live in. Japan is one of the few countries I've been to myself.
We would like to take the kids to every state and several other countries. So far, we have taken the kids to Japan, Mexico, and Canada. As for states, they have been to Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, New York, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois. And I suppose technically speaking, Arizona. They stepped into Arizona when we went to see Hoover Dam. :) I am with you though. I think if you can, you should take your kids to other places to experience other cultures and show them that even as an adult, they can do a lot of neat traveling if they get a good education and a good paying job. :) I am so glad we have the opportunity to do this for them.
That looks so fun! I've never been out of the US aside from a quick trip to Tijuana when Andy and I were in San Diego! Which totally doesn't count. lol. I told Andy he needs to get a part time job at an airline so we can travel free. His current job is so unpredictable and he's gone so much that there's no way he could though, but hey - it's a nice thought! :) I agree it's good to get kids out of their own elements. I think just moving out of 'the South' to Texas and here to Washington, has been really good for my kids - just to see that not every place is the same. They meet so many kids that think their little town they've never left is the be all/end all of civilization. lol.
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