Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh how fun a cart can be!

This video isn't the greatest quality, because it was taken with Kristen's phone. She texted it to me yesterday. All I thought when I saw it was that I sure hope she doesn't hit any bumps while running that fast with those 2 little girls, or it would be pretty bad. The kids were over at the tennis court playing on their scooter and skate board. They found a cart from the Dollar General. I guess they figured it would be much more fun to play with it instead. lol. I suppose it is certainly no more dangerous than some of the things we did as children. But when you are riding a bike, you are the one in control. When you are skating on a skate board, you are the one in control. Karen and her little friend were not the ones in control since they were the ones in the cart. It seems that thought never even crossed their minds. :) Oh well, I gotta let my kids be kids, even if I think it may be a bit risky at times.

I'm kind of bad about being super protective of Karen though, since she is my baby. It amazes me the things I allowed Kristen to do when she was much younger. I think now about some of those things, and I can't help but wonder what on earth I was thinking. She has always been much older in my mind than in reality. I guess because I had 2 younger than her, it made her the BIG girl. I've realized that now and am much more careful in recognizing her actual age to not allow her to do things that she shouldn't. I'm just glad nothing has happened to her thus far. lol. How many things do you parents look back at and wonder why on earth you would allow your child at that particular age to do a certain thing? I guess that comes with maturity too. :) But don't most parents tend to be most protective of their first child and as they go down the line, they slack off? I am quite the opposite it seems. :)


Matthew said...

Yeah, I'm the opposite as well, but that may be because my youngest is a girl... Much to her chagrin at times... :)

Petra said...

I think I'm protective in different areas with the younger kids than I was with the older kids. :) I think I'm more protective of the emotions of my younger kids than I was with the older ones, and I was more protective with the physical issues (like racing in carts) with the older ones than I am with the younger ones. :)

Tim said...

It definitely comes with maturity. I am more protective now with the boys than I was with Andrea. She always seemed older to me also. I guess I am the opposite too :).