Well, here is the rest of the upstairs, finally. First off is Karen's bedroom. It is definitely all girl. Very, very girly. She now wants her room red, but that is very unlikely to happen. :) She has an exorbitant amount of stuff. I do get rid of things, but there are a lot of things we don't want to get rid of. Pack it up you say? Well, I have done that with some things. And hey, it is clean under her bed, which is more than I can say for anyone else in the family. It is organized, just lots and lots of stuff though. 

This is the upstairs bathroom. It is between Karen's room and my computer/craft room. It is small, but it does do the job. :) It needs to be redone, because I am tired of it. I plan on getting to it pretty soon actually. I mean, it looks okay, but I am ready for new. It's been this way for 7 yrs. Definitely time for a change. I like change. A lot! Well, not the Obama kind of change. I'm talkin' about good change, not bad change. lol.
This is the rest of my computer/craft room. I posted the wall that has my scrap booking desk on a previous post, so I didn't put it on this one. Again, lots and lots of stuff. The large shelves have a lot of my souvenirs on it, and the small one has all of my Precious Moments dolls on it. And awe, the glider in the corner is the one I used with all 3 of my babies. :( They are so big now. :(
And here you have the desk I am sitting at right now. See the computer in the corner? Yep, that is where I am right this very moment. :) Aren't you glad you don't have to dust my house? ha ha:) I have so many "things". But, all my "stuff" is important to me. It all has some sort of meaning/special memory.
Here we are in my room. I want to repaint it too, but what a pain to do so. I'll get to it one of these days. The white door is to my bathroom.

Lo and behold, the master bath. Again, I am totally ready for something different, but that will happen one of these days. When I feel like taking a week out of my life to do so. A week for both my bathroom and bedroom that is. I still like it ok, but I do tire of things quite quickly. I would totally change my entire house at least once a year if I had the money. 

Gotta love the litter box. NOT!!! I hate that stupid thing. When my cat dies, that is it. No more cats. I mean, I love my cat, but yuck!!! I hate, hate, hate the litter box. Did I say Hate? I have it in my bathroom, because there really is no where else I would rather it be. I have tried every room in the house, well, not the kitchen, but you get the gist. And it is Billy's job to keep it clean. I wanted to just put the cat in the back yard, but he wouldn't let me. So, the agreement came at that point that if he wants the cat in the house, he has to clean up after her. He said he would, but I gotta say, he can be a bit of a slacker sometimes. So there we have it. NO MORE CATS!!!
So, there ya go. The upstairs is complete. Now, onto the downstairs. I hope to get to that this weekend. I have to get Kristen and Hunter to get their rooms clean enough to my liking. That can be a challenge. We shall see. :)
lol! I'm with you on the cat, or any pets for that matter, and we keep getting more and more, so long as I don't have to tend to them, whatever... :)
I think your house looks GREAT!
OHHHHH... we love out cats. Yes the litter is no fun, but for such a little amount of work... the love you get... PRICELESS. :D
Again... wow!! you have so much color!! LOVE IT!!! Your bathroom is wonderful! I love the color combos in the master... so pretty!
And I think every little girls' room should be filled with pretty!!! :D Anything pretty goes! :D Looks adorable and fairly organized!
I love the green color in the Master bedroom and bath! We are having green in some of our rooms too.
I like all the princesses in Karen's room. The pink color is nice too. Everything looks awesome, though I would of course hate to dust it :P.
I like that green color too - in the master bedroom and bathroom. I'm a fan of green. :)
I can't wait to have a house I can PAINT. No more white walls!!! But we are thinking of renting at first in NC so we can get to know the area before we buy... :-P So white walls for at least another year for me. Oh well.
Darby would love to have pink walls! I think her and Karen would get along fabulously!! lol. :)
p.s. this is the first place we have lived where we have had NO pets... and yeah, not cleaning up poop has been a plus, but we all miss having furry creatures around. We'll probably get another cat when we move to NC. Dogs are way too much of a hassle with all these kids to take care of on top of it. I have had cats that live inside but go potty outside, though, and that was nice. I just had to feed them and pet them!!! :)
Tired of blogging already?? :)
I do tend to lose interest in pretty much everything rather quickly, but I've just been busy. Ok, well maybe not too busy to blog, but too busy to blog the things I want. So I have a ton of pictures now to post, but I just need to get on it. I do suck at following through with pretty much anything. Lol
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