Saturday we went to the Mall of America in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. I got up at 3:30 a.m. to start getting ready. Ugh, that was early! We left the house by 4:40 to head to the airport. We got to the airport at 5:15 and got started on our journey. :) Our plane left at 6:30 a.m. and arrived in Minneapolis at 8:15 a.m. central time. We stopped by Burger King in the airport there to eat breakfast. Then we got on the airport tram to head to the light rail train.
When we got to the mall, the stores weren't open yet. There were a lot of walkers there though. So, we just walked around for a little bit. Then Hunter decided he wanted to eat McDonald's since he didn't eat at Burger King with the rest of us. While we did that, we watched the people who worked at the Nickelodeon Universe test the rides.
We took several pictures of Nickelodeon Universe and the little lego land they had next to it. It looked really cool. We continued to look around at a lot of the stores. Kristen did some shopping to spend ALL of her birthday money. lol. I found a pair of Rocket Dog shoes for $4.99. I love deals. :) We got Hunter a few shirts and took Karen to Build A Bear. Hunter was happy to get clothes from Aeropostale and Hollister instead of Target and Walmart. lol. And of course Karen was ecstatic to get yet another build a bear. She loves those things.
We ended up renting a locker to put all of our stuff in, because it was getting rather heavy. Then we went to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. I've been inside a gift shop at a Rainforest Cafe before, but I've never eaten at one. It was pretty good. I liked the decor. It was very...well...Rainforesty. :) And while we were there, Kristen discovered another Build A Bear shop inside the gift store. So of course she just HAD to have one too, after having given more thought to the fact that Karen had one.
We wanted to either do the Nickelodeon Universe or the aquarium, but we just ran out of time. We definitely plan to go back soon and spend the night in order to do those things. I wasn't feeling great enough to ride the rides anyway, which I normally would love to do, and Hunter and Karen both chose to spend the money that we would have spent on them for wrist bands for the rides on the stuff we ended up buying them. I told them they weren't going to get both. They are a bit spoiled, but I don't give them everything they want. lol. Besides, like I said, we just didn't have the time anyway.
We had a lot of fun and were all glad that we got to go. I do look forward to going back somewhat soon. It won't be as soon as we would like seeing as how our money doesn't come off the tree in the back yard, unfortunately. lol. And we do have several trips planned in the near future to pay for. But, it is on the short to do again list.
Here are some of the pictures that we took while there:

This is the kids on the tram at the Minneapolis airport.

Kristen sitting on the MOVING escalator and getting fussed at by her dad.
Billy buying our tickets for the light rail train

Karen at the
Lindberg Station waiting on the train and Kristen in the background. :)


Kristen and Karen on the light rail train headed to the mall

A picture taken from the 4
th floor of the mall

The space shuttle and other things made of
Part of the
lego land next to Nickelodeon Universe

Nickelodeon Universe

More of Nickelodeon Universe

And of course I had to get my picture taken by this sign.

The kids in a shark cage by the aquarium. Funny:)

Karen in the
BuildABear Workshop getting another build a bear. A lamb this time.

Karen rubbing the lambs heart on her head to give it good thoughts :)

Karen making a wish and putting love into her lambs heart :)

Karen putting the heart into her lamb

Karen giving her lamb a bath to remove all of the
Karen doing the birth certificate and giving her lamb a name. She named her Libby.

Here she is dressing her.

Still dressing her :)

Kristen with her build a bear in the
Rainforest Cafe. She is checking to see if the tiger is soft enough, not too firm.

Here she is putting the heart inside the tiger. This lady didn't have her do all of the sweet little things that the lady that Karen had had her do. Karen's lady was much better at the whole build a bear thing, I think.

And here she is cleaning all of the
fuzzies off.

Billy and the kids just before we went in to eat, with aquariums behind them.

Kristen and Karen at our table. Nice aquarium.

Hunter posing by the aquarium at our table. I was surprise he wanted me to take this since he usually doesn't want me to take his picture at all.

Billy and Kristen with the "Volcano" we ordered for dessert to share. This thing was plenty for 5 people to share. It was huge!

And of course, Karen wanted her picture with it too. I couldn't get much of the dessert in there though.

I guess this is the
Rainforest Cafe mascot. :) So we just had to stop him and get a picture.

This is the hostess desk. Kinda cool, huh? Again, I had to get a picture. :)

Kristen with "Stripes" on the airport tram in Minneapolis, heading back home now.

Hunter on the tram on our way back home.

Karen fell asleep for a little while on the plane ride home. It was a long day for this little girl. Heck, it was a long day for this big girl. lol.

Karen with "Libby" on the plane ride home, after she woke up, of course.
Libby now riding safely buckeled since the seat belt sign was on. lol
Well, we had a great time, as we usually do on our day trips. I'm glad we got to go and am grateful for the opportunity that we have to do stuff like this.
Man, you don't have one of those money trees in your backyard? They are NICE!! :)
You can hardly drag me to the mall, let alone take a plane and get up at 3:30AM to go... Does look like a fun place for the kiddoes though!
I love Bubba Gumps!
Wow, you have a money tree? I am so planning to pluck it when I come up there in a few weeks. lol.
And the mall, well, we went so Kristen could shop with her birthday money. So it was really for her benefit. It was neat though.
We didn't get to eat at Bubba Gumps this time, but I do hope to eventually. :)
What a day! Looks like fun. :)
I love Rocket Dog shoes - what kind did ya get?
We ate at the Rainforest Cafe in Galveston a couple years ago - it was good, we also got a dessert volcano. :)
What a cool mom and dad you are!!! How cool is that??? Going to the mall of america is a blast!
I went there when I visited my grandma in ND. It's really amazing. Too big to do any real shopping for me! :D But, all the fun stuff!
I love Bubba Gumps! We had one in Monterey and we only went when we had company...actually I think we took Matt's family there when they came. Great food, but you certainly pay for the atmosphere! :D But it was fun!
I used to love Buid a Bear. Can you still put a recording thing in it? I made one for my grandma that had me yapping about how much I loved her.... cheezy, but she loved it! :D
FUN FUN FUN!!! Glad you all had a great time!
ps--- I love to see your blogs again! :D
Oh, I could definitely spend a full day there shopping and eating, and they sure do have it all there. I can't wait to go back, but I hope to have some more money next time. lol.
I hope Bubba Gumps doesn't cost much more than the Rainforest Cafe. That was a bit costly itself. But worth it. I guess it just all depends on what you order too. I'll certainly have to try it the next time though.
I think they still have that voice recorder thing at Build A Bear. They have so many different ones, I just don't know. I do think that is just the cutest store though.
And I'm glad you enjoy my blogs:)
Hey Tonya I got your reply good to here from you and glad your doing good.Have a good time in New Orleans and tell your sisters hi for me.Keith
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