I am finally getting around to posting the things I've been putting off. Easter was the day after we got home from our trip to Mississippi. But, the "bunny" managed to get the baskets done even though that bunny was very tired. lol.

The kids Easter baskets

Karen and Hunter holding up their webkinz. Karen got an elephant and Hunter got an eagle.

Hunter is digging into a flip top cup that had candy inside.

Kristen with her webkinz. It's a cockerspaniel. She wouldn't let me get a picture of her face. That's not the norm for her, but she was only that way because it was early in the morning.

The kids digging through their candy

Doesn't Billy look just dandy in his robe? :) But I did manage to get some of Kristen's face in this picture.

Karen with her webkinz clothes. That little elephant looked cute all dress up.

Kristen's stash: She got 2 small chocolate bunnies, a bag of kisses, a bag of peanut butter cups, a flip top cup full of candy, a webkinz and an outfit for her webkinz. All of the kids got the same thing. Gotta be fair, ya know? :) I forgot, she also got some toy thing with candy in it. Hers and Hunter's was the same toy thing. Karen got a different one.

This is Karen with her little toy thing.

Trying to get a good famil Easter picture. Hunter was making a funny face in this one, so we tried again.

Except the camera went off before it was supposed to. That was Billy's fault. :)

This was the best we were gonna get. Hunter did change his clothes though. I told him he was not going to wear that for Easter Sunday. So he matched Billy with black slacks and a blue dress shirt. I just didn't have time before church to take another picture, and by the time we got home, I had forgotten all about it. Oh well, there's always next year.
Thanks for the "robe" shot...
Great pics!!! What a beautiful family you have!
You're welcome honey. :) Anytime. lol
And thanks Jackie:)
I just wish I would have gotten one with Hunter actually dressed up.
Easter... Wasn't that a while ago?? lol. Love the pics!! We never have done 'Easter baskets', we always just do the egg hunt thing and go to church, and I'm not really sure why we even do that... Love the robe Billy!! :)
Great photos!
We didn't go to church this year (Paige was 4 days old), but we did our egg hunt and baskets - I have photos that I still haven't posted (they are on my 'to do' list). :)
Matt - growing up, I hated always going to church on Easter and everyone was always going on about what was in their Easter basket. I got two ever - one was from some lady at church that felt sorry for us b/c we were so poor, and mom got me one when I was in high school one year. So yeah - my kids always get a good Easter basket. lol. :)
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