When my brother's (W.C.) wife left him, she took the dining room table. The kids were told to be very careful when going through the dining room because of the chandelier hanging down low. Hunter was running through and ducked, but didn't duck quite enough. He then came into the den where I was and told me that he had hit his head, and it hurt really bad. I was on the computer, so I put it down and held him as he leaned over to me. I told him to sit down so I could go get him some Tylenol. He looked rather pale. He took his hand down from his head where he had been holding it, and the blood began to pour. I was like "Oh crap!" So, I took him into the kitchen, sat him in the chair at the table, and got a cloth to put pressure on his head. He has such a thick head of hair that it was very difficult to see exactly where all of the blood was coming from. At that time W.C. came into the room. He said quite loudly, "Oh my God!" For those of you who may not know not to have that kind of reaction in front of a hurt kid, you DON'T! lol. Hunter started freaking out. W.C. was like, "Look at all the blood", and I told him to shut up. lol.
I then took Hunter over to the sofa and had him lay his head in my lap. All I was able to find was a tiny little speck on his forehead, so I put a bandaid on it. (I later realized that the speck I had put a bandaid on was just blood, no wound. Oops.) He laid in my lap for at least a half hour. I still had the cloth on his head, applying pressure, because I wasn't sure if where I had put the bandaid was the only place he was hurt. Plus, the pressure made it feel better to him. It wasn't until so much blood clotted his hair into a clump that I was able to see the gouge on his head. I didn't want to freak him out, so I mouthed and barely whispered to W.C., "It's bad." Hunter said, "What's bad?" I said, "Huh? I didn't say it's bad, I said I'm fat." (lol) He bought it for the time being. Quick thinking on my part. lol. I didn't want to freak him out even more by thinking it was super serious and that he may have to go to the hospital. So W.C. came over and took a look at it. He asked me if I thought we should go to the emergency room. I REALLY did not want to do that if at all possible. He then called a nurse friend of his to come over. She was there within 15 minutes or so. She brought some durma bond with her and basically glued his head back together. It all worked out really well, and I am so glad she was able to come over to help. She told me after all was said and done that if he would have gone to the hospital, more than likely they would have had to shave his head in the wounded area and in order to durma bond it back together. He would have absolutely hated losing all of his hair. There wasn't quite as much durma bond as she would have liked to have had, but we weren't too concerned about it being a pretty scar since it is up in his hair. Hopefully he won't go bald when he gets older, but unfortunately his genes aren't in his favor for that. lol.
The next day is when we went to New Orleans and walked around all day at the zoo and the aquarium. He was feeling kind of wimpy and queasy most of the day, so I was constantly asking him every few minutes if he was ok. He had a rough day that day and just felt crappy, but he made it through. I'm always trying to teach my kids how to deal with pain and suck it up as good as they can, because I don't want them to be pansies. He did a great job. Kudos to you kid. :)

I know you just enjoyed the heck out of that story. :)
Ugh! Hope it heals quickly!
That's the funny thing about kids, you never know when you might be heading to the ER... :)
It already has. It actually looks pretty good. Kids do keep you on your toes, don't they?
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