Kristen had her first formal dance on Friday. She looked so pretty, so of course I had to take pictures. :) Karen wanted to dress like her big sister for the pictures, even though she did not go to the dance. lol. They both had their formals from the cruise we took a few years ago. Karen's formal still fits her, because it was too big when I bought it for her. Kristen isn't wearing the one she wore on the cruise. I actually bought this one first, and it was too big. So I bought her the next size down in blue. She wore the blue one on the cruise, and I just saved this one figuring it would eventually get some use. Good thing I did, because she just told me on Saturday, May 2nd, that she was having a formal dance the following Friday. I didn't have the money then to go out and get her a new dress since we had just forked out several hundred for her birthday party. It all worked out though. :)

This is Kristen and Karen out in front of our house. So pretty:)

Kristen, my big girl!

Karen, pretty in pink :)

Billy went inside to take some pictures for me before the dance began. I don't know who was in charge of the decorating, but they shouldn't have been.

If you look really hard, you can see a strand of lights above the bleachers. I mean really, they think that looks good?

The lights go all the way down, and they aren't even put up well.

I'm not real sure what the plan here was. I did see someone carrying in some balloons, so I guess they did add a little more to the decor. And what is up with the grass skirt hanging on the door?
lol. Like I said, I don't know who was in charge of this, but they shouldn't have been. :)

This is the school mascot mural. It's kinda cool.

Kristen getting out of the van.

Karen, just after getting out of the van.

My two Princesses posing out in front of the gym.

Kristen with her friend Ashley

Kristen, Ashley, and Karen

Kristen with her friends, Brittney, on the left, and Ashley, on the right. I may be a bit biased in my opinion, but I do believe my daughter is the prettiest. ;)

The girls walking up to the gym

Billy took this picture of Kristen when we went to pick her up. Apparently she did not want her picture to be taken. :)
She had a lot of fun, so I'm glad she got to go. So this pretty much
sums up Friday's events. I may or may not wait til tomorrow to post what we did on Saturday and Sunday. We shall see. ;)
She does look so beautiful...I guess she got her good looks from you :)
Funny you say that since she doesn't look at all like me, silly. She looks just like you.
You aren't biased - she's definitely the prettiest. :)
Justice has a dance on Friday, but I think he'd die if I went in to take photos. Of course, that could be the difference between boys and girls. lol
p.s. I'm getting caught up on your blog - I miss a few days and you have a million posts! Go figure!! lol :)
ahhhhh she looks so pretty, they all do!! Her dress is so pretty and flowy! It looks so nice on her.
So does she actually dance or do what we did and stand there and gossip? :D
Love the last pic... too funny! I think she reached her limit with the camera! LOL!!!
I don't think she dances much, but who knows since I'm "not allowed" to stick around. lol. She wasn't too happy with me and my camera, but I don't care. I have to document their childhoods, don't I? She does go to a mostly black school, so if she does dance, I'm sure it's something I DON'T want to see. lol. Hey, at least she will know how to dance really good when it's all said and done. That's a whole other issue there though.
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