So here's my hallway downstairs before:
I should have taken the pictures before I took down all of the pictures and switch plate off, but I didn't. It was just really dingy, cuz the kids can't keep their darn hands off the walls. I thought if I went darker, it wouldn't get so icky looking so fast. Besides, I've had it this color for over 7 years. I am really ready for different!!!

Now here is the after:I like it now that it's been a few weeks. It is hard to take a good picture of such a small area though. I took these with my phone so they don't look the greatest. But you get the gist.
Now on to my downstairs bathroom. It was light purple in the before picture. This is because, when I painted it 7 years ago, Kristen was the only kid downstairs and her room was the same color. I was matching the two rooms for her. I have moved the kids all over the place since then and painted their rooms several times each, but I never got around to the bathroom. I didn't have much money to work with this time, so I was stuck using the same wall decor. It still looks good in there though, I think. I don't know, I like it much better now than before, but maybe that is just because it is different than it was. I think I'd like anything better. I like change. I get quite bored with the same ole same ole.
So here ya go, bathroom before:

Now on to the after:
I had to use Karen's towels that a friend of mine embroidered her for Christmas. They don't go with her bathroom at all, so I just put them in the downstairs bath. And the wash cloth is placed like that for a reason.... I had to use all 3 ya know. She wouldn't have it any other way. :) They all have her name on them. I did buy matching towels to go in there too though. Those will probably show up in the pics of the downstairs, whenever I get around to it. :)

I took these ones with my phone too. So, they don't look so great. I'm sure when I get around to doing the whole downstairs pics like I did of the upstairs, I'll have much better quality. Well, that is if my camera likes me that day. It seems to give me problem too. Maybe it's not the camera that's so much the problem as the user. lol. Oh well. But ya see, I may not have posted in the last month, but I did take pictures.
Wow, those pictures look really bad. I am totally going to have to redo this. Mom is coming soon which means the house will be spotless!! I will take all of my pics then. lol
It's hard to tell what the new color is in the bathroom, so I will hold my comments on that one until you post new photos. :-D
I really like the green in the hallway though - it looks great! :)
I love the green color in the hallway... can't wait to start painting here :).
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