We went to a Japanese steak house for dinner one night (just the adults), and I got a glass of plum wine. I had had a sip of an old friend of mine's on Valentine's day and wanted to get one on this visit. So, I was just enjoying my wine as I sipped on it, until I offered Terra a taste. She tasted it, then turned to me and said, "It tastes like cough medicine". Well man, that just ruined it for me. Every time I took a drink of it, all I could taste was freakin' cough medicine, so I just stopped drinking it. She totally took the enjoyment away from me. And I wasted the darn stuff and my money. So ya know, if you ever try someone's food or drink, think before you comment. Now I'll never be able to drink it again without thinking it tastes like cough medicine. Thank you 'again' Terra!
Plus, we sat by a large family, cuz you know how they do that at the Japanese steak house places. Those people were so darn loud and irritating. And to top it off, they had a whiny butt 2 year old that carried on the entire time we were there. It's funny how when you go out without your own kids, you REALLY don't want to be bothered by other people's kids, AT ALL. But seriously, this kid cried the whole time we were there. Also, there was this very young Sheriff's deputy, who was the whiny kid's dad. I just really didn't like the way he looked. He looked like one of those super cocky cops on a power trip. And I think we all know the type. I don't know.... It's just that when you go out and spend $100 on dinner, you don't want to deal with other people's crap. That's all I'm sayin'.
So now on to the pics. The next few are of Terra and me. Kevin Michael is in the first one as well. And let me just say, that sister of mine has a freakin' long tongue. LOL. When we were kids, she could touch her nose with it. She is such a nut! :) Anyway, we were in the computer room just looking at stuff on the computer and decided to be silly with the camera. We don't have many pics of us together, and I have very few ones of her being serious. She is a cut up in front of the camera. Always has been.
I wouldn't say you look identical, but you can definitely see the resemblance... :)
Are you serious? I don't even think we look related. I guess everyone just sees things differently. :)
lol. I'm serious... :)
I actually don't think you guys look alike. I mean, it's not a shocker you are related? But yeah - I wouldn't be all "but you look so much alike" if I just met you and you said you weren't related.
People have said me and Timberly look alike at times too, and we like don't even have any of the same features except maybe Dad's eyebrows?!?! Me and Marci, I can see the resemblance, but Timberly looks more like Joel - they have their own 'look'.
I think people just say that too. lol!! :)
Wait, I went back and looked again to see if I was missing something. And yeah - you guys have very similar eyes - like the same color and close in shape. Maybe that's it??
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