Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I get so aggravated when I clean house. It seems like no matter how much I fuss at the kids to pick up after themselves, they just don't seem to grasp the concept. Then when I go crazy on them they act all shocked about the fact that I am acting like a maniac. Lol. It's simple, keep the house clean, keep mama happy. No fussing from me would ensue. I just don't get why they don't get it. I mean, I walk into my kitchen just a little while ago and there appears to be water all over the floor. It was pouring down rain just before I discovered this, so I figured maybe it came in from the back door. I called my husband and told him the back door needs to be checked, because it appeared that the seal around the door was not working. I proceed to mop up the floor and quickly realize that it wasn't rain at all. It was tea. My son had made a full glass of tea and it somehow got knocked over and spilled all over the floor. I mean heaven forbid he actually clean it up. Wtf!? It's this kind of stuff all the time. I take away their electronics, put them on room restriction, ground them from friends, but still they continue this unkept behavior. It just amazes me. UGH!!! My parents would have beat me senseless, but that's a little more difficult to get away with these days. Lol. Ok, now that I've slightly vented, I'll continue with my trip to Florida - Sea World post. Alyssa
Alyssa and Karen
Kristen and Hunter
Kevin Michael (my nephew), Alyssa and Karen
Yay!!! We see the sign. :)
First stop, get a stroller and see the flamingos :)
My skinny sister, Terra, with Alyssa and Trent
Next stop, stingrays. :)
Well, I'm tired of working on this post, so I'm just gonna post what I already have here. Lol. Maybe I'll finish it sometime soon. You can always look at my pics on my shutterfly link to the right of our full trip. Tata :)

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