Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ok, well obviously I've not gotten around to posting a thing about my trip with the kids. But I promise I will get around to it. I've just been going through a lot of personal CRAP. I will no doubt be posting about that soon. I've just been in a bit of a dilema. I'm either way too emotionally unstable to post my current issues with my idiotic family or my medicine is actually doing it's job and I just don't give a rip. In either case, I just haven't been in quite the frame of mind that I want to be in to post the post that I really want to put up here. I guess you could say I'm holding out for that just right kind of mood. I do feel that I am almost there though. The thing is, I just want to do the right thing. Not just the "right thing", but the right thing for me. So y'all, that's been pretty much the deal as to my apparent disappearance here lately. If I'm having a hard time holding it together on a daily basis, blogging tends to not be so high on the list. Ya know? Well, I have no doubt some of you all know exactly what I mean by that.

Anyhow, I will absolutely be posting one heck of a post on here soon. I will not, however, be doing so on my iPod which is what I am using right now. So that's the deal guys. I'll be back soon though, no doubt!!!


Jackie said...

Take care of yourself! That is the most important thing!

Your loyal blogger fans will be here when you are ready to go! :D

Matthew said...

Standing by! I'm a "get it out in the open" kind of guy. Of course I wasn't that way for a long time, and wow, what a nightmare! Doing it myself though solved ALL my issues!! The "right thing" is taking care of YOU! Forget anyone else! The only thing that matters in this life is YOU. You CANNOT go through life not being 'you' because of other people. Unless you just want to take drugs to 'ease the pain' all your life. It's a big decision I know, and you have to be strong. Just know there are people who do care!!

Tonya said...

Thanks:). It's just a shame when parents don't have the backbone or courage to do right by their children. I just don't get it. I guess that's where therapy and medication enter the picture. Lol. I'll post tomorrow when the kids are in school, hopefully.

Matthew said...

Also realize that in my case, the ONLY thing that 'solved my problems' was cutting my parents COMPLETELY out of my life! Like I said, a big decision! After doing it myself though, I have never been happier or more content... Life, you only have one. You HAVE to take control of the one you have and if there are people (cancers) that ruin it for you, get rid of them. It is the only way you will ever be happy.

Matthew said...

They never will Tonya. Trust me, been there, done that. Do what is good for you! Screw them if they don't 'get it'. My parents don't, and they have pretty much lost all their children as a result. They still don't get it though. I would NEVER do that with my kids. I would be on their door step BEGGING them to know what the issue was and what can we do to solve it. Yeah. Mine don't give a shit, never did. So I did the BEST thing I ever did by cutting them out of my life. Just like I said before, like cancer, that's what you have to do, cut it out...

Tonya said...

It is an extremely difficult decision to say the least. I love my dad more than any other person on this planet outside of my husband and kids. Even on medication I have cried every day at the thought of where this may end up. I know I will get to the point where I will do whatever I HAVE to do, but I'm just not there quite yet. When I looked at his facebook the other day and saw that he recently accepted Rick as a friend and on top of that, he has pictures of his 3 step kids (which is fine for the 2) and none of his own kids it boggled my mind. And the fact that he not only has him as a friend but puts a picture of him on there too knowing the hell he put me through is just inconceivable to me. My dad says he loves me but his actions kill me. He knows this yet continues it. Like you, I would NEVER do that to my kid. So I know I will do what I HAVE to do for me in the end.

Matthew said...

Take your time girl, it's a huge decision. You have to be strong too, but you can't let other people ruin your life!!