We flew in for the day to Washington D.C. It was a great choice for a day trip. Very inexpensive and lots of fun. That's the whole idea for us. :) I do tend to take all week to get one post up for some reason, but hey, at least I am getting around to it. lol. We went to the zoo, ate at a Mexican restaurant, then went home. Simple day with lots of fun.
Kristen on the platform at the train station leaving the airport.
Billy and Karen on the down escalator going to change trains, on our way to the zoo.
At the zoo now, obviously. I thought this would make a great picture of the kids. :)
Got a good picture of the panda.
Baby hippo. It looks like a big, slimy.... well, you know. lol.
This is a scull of a hippo. They get some huge heads when full grown.
My 3 crazy kids.
A baby elephant. Awe, I love elephants. :)
My cuties
The girls got animals like build a bears. Like they don't have enough animals.
My kiddos again
See the spouting elephant in the background? You have to look kinda hard to see it, don't ya?
The Mexican restaurant were we ate. It had the best salsa, and the food was great too. Of course, I love Mexican food anyway.
Kristen next to the little Mexican dude. :)
Time to go home and they are all still in good moods. It was a good day. :)
If you are interested in seeing all of the pictures, you can go to my shutterfly account.